Friday, March 6, 2009

Phase 2.  (Still)*

K.  No colons and i'm back.  Hmmm that doesn't quite read right does it...  Firstly, i apologise for my leave of absence, but it seems as though i've underestimated the secretary and they've done an absolute brilliant job - so kudos to you K with the blue!

As you can see the brew has progressed along nicely and now no longer looks like a decomposing corpse (the barrels in the yard however...) and looks, well, rather drinkable.  I was rather gobsmacked to be honest and have just sampled a smell of the finished product and will (CARS!) describe the subtle yet powerful scent as quite simply a meaty alcohol.  Funnily enough this is how secretary describes their house...  think i'll leave my myriad of comments on that for another blog and another day.

Anyhoo, the crux of the matter is that there is only two (2) nights until the sweet nectar brought forth from the loins of the three schwein from George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' and Mr Potato-Head will be consumed and the prophecies will be fulfilled...

*apparently secretary didn't realise that phase 2 is actually a rather long phase.


exford legs said...

Hey Deej, what are you doing with the syringe? Are those things cherry tomatoes?

If you don't reply within a few days I assume you have all suffered a mass poisining at Golden Plains, either that or you got lost somewhere in the night during the Mogwai set and can't find your way back to the festival because there are a lot of sheep and trees around.. Don't worry mate, I've been there.

rambeaux said...

The BLTinis went down like a Canberran porn star.
Looking forward to a schwein spritzer soon; served in a schweinglass of course...

How do you feel about semi-colons K; K?

rambeaux said...

Wassappenin' piggies?

rambeaux said...

Hi Booze Piggy.
Thought of you...

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